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CleanWave strives to provide our clients with the best possible professional cleaning service available. Still, we realize that because we are human, things from time to time will get missed. Should this happen, please call us within 24 hours and we will rectify the situation immediately or on our next visit at no charge to you.
We do our best to answer all phone calls and emails received during regular business hours. If you leave a voicemail or send an email outside of our business hours, we will respond as soon as possible.
We will always be respectful and professional in your home/office. We do not allow our technicians to smoke, eat, or drink (besides water) in your home/office. Our only purpose while in your home/office is to clean.
We provide our own cleaning products including cleaning agents and microfiber towels. We pride ourselves in our top of the line cleaning products and practices. All tools and supplies are disinfected after each cleaning, to provide an additional layer of preventing cross-contamination. If you have a home with pets, we do ask that you make your home vacuum available to use so we do not carry pet danger/allergens from one home to another.
Please allow our technicians the flexibility of scheduling the start time of our cleanings. We try to schedule our cleanings in an order that requires the least amount of travel time in effort to maintain our prices and maximize our time available. If you require an AM/PM clean, we will make every effort to accommodate your request. However, specific times are not guaranteed.
We do our best to stay on schedule. However, if a change is necessary, we will let you know as soon as possible. We also understand that life happens for our clients and ask that any schedule changes/cancellations are provided to CleanWave as soon as possible! We would appreciate a 48-hour advance notice if possible.
We do kindly ask that your space is picked up so we can do a good job for you. Putting important papers/projects away, picking things up off the floor, and keeping surface areas clear of clutter ensures we are able to clean to our standards. If there are areas that you do not want us to clean for you, please let us know. If there is a room you do not want us to clean, please leave that door shut.
We love pets!! We do not require your pets to be absent during our cleaning. If you have a pet that is the least bit aggressive, please make sure that they are crated or absent. We do not clean litter boxes, urine, or feces.
Payment is due in full on the day of your service. Checks are to be made out to CleanWave. We also accept payments for the entire month at the time of your first cleaning that month. A $50.00 NSF fee will be charged for any check returned by the bank.
We allocate a block of time for the cleaning of your home/office. If you request a schedule change, we would appreciate a 48-hour advanced notice. If we are turned away at the door or not able to enter your home/office, you will be charged in full for your cleaning service scheduled that day. The best way to ensure this does not happen is to have a key kept somewhere discreet if you do not give us access to the garage/door code.
If your home/office is equipped with a security system, please ensure that it is in the off position or provide us with the alarm system information so we can disarm/arm upon our arrival and departure. If your code changes at any time to arm/disarm your system, please make sure we are aware of it before our next scheduled cleaning.
Please do not hesitate to ask us any questions related to your cleaning requests/services at or 636-675-6102. Thank you very much for your business!
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